Design System Features… in InDesign?!

It’s absolutly typical how after I have handed in my very last projects of the year that a YouTube video comes out on EXACTLY what I have learnt by myself when using Adobe InDesign… 3 years I have self tought myself what is covered here, with a few extras on Grid Systems…

Design System:
Grids & Masters
Paragraph Styles
Colour Swatches

***End Of Year – Graphic Communication FdA Level 5 SWOT Analysis***


  • Grid Systems and Layout
  • InDesign Workflow
  • Shape-building
  • Logo Design
  • Eye for detail
  • Passion to develop further skills
  • Can take risks
  • Savvy with recording software
  • Can work at a professional level


  • Time Management
  • Procrastination
  • Illustration
  • Balance and Routine
  • Essay writing or anything academic
  • Copywriting
  • Annotation
  • Documenting


  • Spelling
  • Illustration
  • Organisation
  • Completing projects to desired outcome
  • Journalling
  • Recording events
  • Planning tasks for the next day


  • Work/life Balance
  • Commitments
  • Financial Issues
  • Personal issues outside of study
  • Loosing interest
  • Fear of the unknown
  • Imposter syndrome

***End of Year – Level 5 Graphic Communication FdA: Final Evaluation/Reflective Statement***

What technical skills have I learnt moving forward?

Client Communication
Previous to this year if I had any sort of live brief or project from a friend I would ask them to send me an email with the brief for the project or at least all the information that was relevant. That way I would have everything at reference and I could copy and paste key information and have less change of spelling errors.

I have realised this year that this in not good enough as a starting point. The client is most the time not capable of writing a brief on there own. I have found that is much more rewarding to communicate with the client better and ask questions to extract key information. This information is sometimes unknown to the client and myself and would not become apparent otherwise. I found that calling my client or having a meeting with a set questionnaire is the best practice and start to the process. I also learnt that it is paramount that the conversation is recorded so that it can be referred to again, as points may be missed during the time of interview or miss interpretated.

I also learnt that it is important to record more than audio. That video is important as to get a clearer message . Show don’t tell. If I was just talking about a website to my client and he/she could not see what I was talking about things would get confusing. Even having a mouse pointer to be able to highlight sections.

I have learnt how to use Remote Meeting platforms such as Zoom to arrange meetings with clients and more importantly record them with screen share and remote access to aid communication and also to refer back to.

Remote Learning
This year has saw us all go through a global pandemic which has forced companies and small businesses to adapt and evolve in order to keep there economy afloat. As have education systems had to stay active during this time.

We have all had to get used to using Microsoft Meeting and Zoom to carry on our studies. Although these systems already existed before the crisis they have not been utilised until now, and I think that is a bit of a miss. I think that we could have been using these options and integrating them into our learning system all along, and they defiantly should stick around once everything gets back to normal.

I have learnt to use this tools to carry on my studies and work from home. Once you get bast the weird awkwardness to video calls it becomes more natural and is a lot more rewarding in terms of information and learning value than a basic email. Communication can be quicker and more enriched.

Through this I have become more engaging with other classmates and tutors, and opened myself up to more critique than usual. I have become willing to share my work with others when normally I would shy away. Also I have become more inclined to view what other people are doing and include that in the learning, developing and critiquing process.

Both this and remote interaction with clients opens up potential briefs on a global scale as opposed to just working with clients I meet locally.

Screen Capture
This year I have strongly opened up to using screen capture. I have used it with client communication to refere back to meetings and interviews as well as foward video feedback and give updates to my clients.

I have used it to records zoom meetings with students, and guest speakers. as have my tutors. It has become a very useful tool.

I also have used screen capture to evidence my learning and understanding of topics, to evidence my analysts, and to evidence my technical skills on certain aspects of a project.

I even use screen capture to quickly create YouTube tutorials for educational purpose and to give value. I have also used screen capture to record DJ Live Streams during the COVID19 pandemic, for my Responsive Project. In this I have gave value to viewers and possibly even helped people to tough times with interaction and reaching out.

Grid System Construction
I have always had an underlying interest in grid systems and layout without really knowing it. I understand that using a grid and a good layout can aesthetically improve a piece of work and even enhance a users experience of reading an article or book.

This year I read a publication on Grid Systems along with my Graphic Design Final Practice Project. I learnt why a grid system is important and what effects it can have on the user. Although I did not complete my Personal Portfolio to the standard I wanted or even finish it, I did manage to construct a grid system for it. I implemented everything I learnt from reading said book. Even down to to matching the type-size and leading to match exactly the field size, which meant an image would align perfectly with the text. I wish I had learnt this before producing 3 years worth of portfolios.

Square-space Web-builder
This is a small pick-up, but I think in future it will prove to be useful as a business opportunity. During my Graphic Design Final Practice Project I had to use Square-space as the platform to build my clients website. My client was already subscribed to the service and paying a premium. So I stepped in to help him with his problems using the platform and thus building in website. Over the course of 3 days I managed to learn my way around the platform and construct my clients website. The next time I do this the exception time will be increasingly faster.

The biggest take-way from developing this skill is that my client is paying £580 annually for this service. It is in his best interest to get his website up and running as fast as possible purely for the sake of cost never-mind anything else. So what I’m getting at is not only is there an opportunity for me to offer services rendered for building clients websites on this platform, I could also charge a premium for building a website myself for a client and then selling it to them. What could I earn if a Square-space subscription costs that much?

Social Media Scheduling
While in my Student Fellow role of Social Media Manager I cam across several berries with my lack of organisation, and personal dislike for social media. I had issues choosing content and remembering to post actively and regularly. Eventually I cam across a service caller Later which allowed me to schedule content and posts. Unfortunately I discovered this a while into the role, but I did get some use out of it.

Using scheduling tools I discovered I could create a weeks worth of content in just a few hours and include all the necessary links, hashtags, and copy, and have them automatically post on set times through the week. I did have some issues with facebook during this time which caused a knock on effect. I was locked out of the Good Loop facebook page as they identified me as spam, which meant I could not link instagram with it. That meant the Later account was linked to my personal account and the Good Loop account, which only allows one free account for scheduling.

Italic Calligraphy
During the Responsive Project I attempted to create a digital type-mark from hand scripted calligraphy. Although I never reached the outcome I desired, I still managed to learn italic calligraphy by hand, even with limited tools. I believe this could be a useful skill in the future for logo design and sign writing. I will take this further.

Creating a Custom Font in Font-forge
During the Responsive Project I also attempted to create my own hand-style typeface in order to have my own set of personal assets. The idea was that if I had my own typeface I could quickly compose messages and graphics compared to hand rendering and composing each one from scratch. I did manage to create a typeface using Font-forge software but it took a very long time, as it is a tedious process. In future I will look at other softwares.

Using The Pen Tool
Also during the Responsive project I attempted to illustrate digitally. I could not manage without a tablet or Wacom. However I did eventually get close to a desired outcome by ups-killing with the pen tool in Adobe illustrator. I am pleased with the progress made with this process, and I would expect it to be a standard skill required by future employers.

HTML & CSS Coding
I excelled at the Digital Production Techniques Project where I build a sectioned parallax scrolling website. Many years ago in 2001 I was studying an ICT course where I build a website, and luckily I still had some understanding of code. It wasn’t even referred to as code back then.

during this project I developed a decent understanding of what the HTML and CSS code did and how to use it appropriately. There was a lot of trial and error at first but I believe once I have nailed a formula for a functional website, I will not have to defer much from it. It will be and underlying skeleton just like a grid system is.

I also conducted quite a lot of research regarding why a parallax website is used, and having knowledge to how it works psychologically on the user.

I think having this skill set under my belt will increase my chances of employment. If I manage to integrate it with using CMS platforms such as Square-space I think I could set myself up well for freelancing, niche services in that field.

Improved Work-Flow in Adobe InDesign
I have always had some fascination with editorial layouts and grid systems and of course InDesign is the software built for this. I have been using InDesign for about 2 years on this course and I feel I am always improving workflow in the software. Over the summer it might be a good idea to do a specific course on the software in order to learn quicker and save time on future projects.

This year I have learnt how to construct a grid system within InDesign that works as a functional tool to solve problems. I have also almost perfected using the paragraph styles and master pages. Where as before I would frustratingly format all of the type in my portfolios, now it is all automatic and consistent.

I have also finally learnt how use gradients within InDesign and have a better method for importing vector graphics into files. Next I would like to figure out how to embed fonts so they are not lost when I format my PC or get a new laptop. Intact a personal cloud (other than adobe) for fonts might be a good idea.

What are my strong points in this year?

Client Communication
Since the very last project I think my client communication skills have improved massively. In the future I will not hesitate to get a meeting set up and have it recorded for referring back to. One silver lining from COVID19 is being forced into using remote meeting applications such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams. I will like to expand on this with having a decent set of pre planned questionnaires for my clients, and a system of scheduled meetings and review points.

Screen Capture
I think I have utilised this tool a little more than my classmates. As I have begin toying with it in the past year for my YouTube channel. I use it to create one take tutorial videos that require little video editing, and it has evolved into evidencing my skills and understanding of specific tasks in a project. It has taken the full year to get used to being on camera, and had previously slowed me down on projects, but now I regard it as a powerful tool.

Willing to Take Risks (Experiment)
This could go the other way, but I am happy that this year I have pushed to autonomically gain new skills and implement them into my projects. Most of the time they didn’t pay off, but I am a lot closer to mastering them compared to others who have played it safe and stuck with what they already know. I do like experimentation, and would act on it more if I had given time. If I can hone in on the design process and getting briefs complete to a good functional standard I would like to experiment more… BUT I should get briefs to a certain milestone before I do this.

Supported Reading
I actively try to accompany each project with at least one design book and one self help book. This has helped me greatly in some cases as learning how to do specific tasks is on me alone and is entirely autonomous on this course. I am building myself a reference library for next year and future employment.

Use of Font-families
Previous to this year I learnt about font pairing, but I never realised the importance that using a good established typeface has over a free downloaded font from square-space. A typeface with a full font family has proved strong with Brand Identity, and Consistency across multiple mediums, such as Websites and Printed Material. I will always strive to use a font family in future and would like to build a good library of them for future projects. I am however still unsure on licensing.

I think that near the end of this year my professional language has improved and my annotation is beginning to get better.

What will I improve on the next year moving forward?

Planning and Time Management
This year as of every year I have struggled with time management. I still struggle to hold a routine in my normal day to day life which has an impact, but I also still need to simply work on managing myself better. I have tried using multiple digital organisation systems but near the end of the course I have eventually found out that I work better with an analogue system where everything is in front of me and not lost in the depths of my phone or a application.

Next year I plan on having a system in place to keep me on track. This would mean using calendars with planned in tasks, review points, reflection. Also using roadmaps or can-ban boards to manage tasks better and get them in motion.

I will also consider journalling at the end of each day. As this year with a lot of personal stress I have struggled greatly to remember and document events and tasks. I took on extra roles as a Student Fellow, and being part of the Erasmus Project, and I have not documented it, and can’t recall the events to write about in my Professional Development Project and Work Based Learning.

Decision Making
Even though we have been given the tool box of design process I have always avoided using them as I saw them as an extra task. I have come to realise that the MoSCoW Tool is powerful for breaking down a brief into necessary task. I struggle with decisions and can sometimes go off track focusing on the wrong thing. I eventually put it to practice in my Graphic Design Final Practice Project, and it was a huge help.

Client Communication
As mentioned previous

Use the Tool Box
Next year I will make sure I have the tool box in-front of me, printed out or on my walls. So that I can refer to it any point. I keep going off track with projects and focusing on the wrong thing. I should use this tool-box properly to get tasks done and fast.

I came close to getting scheduling implemented into the Student Fellow role, but I did not nail it. I think in the digital climate we are in right now this is a compulsory skill that I need to get on top of.

Documenting and Journalling
As in the Time Management section above I need to begin documenting and journaling. This will hopefully keep me on track and prevent me from forgetting key events and milestones.

What are my opportunities for next year?

Essay Writing
When this years essay was delivery I was busy working on the Erasmus Project and missed out greatly. I didn’t receive delivery until many weeks in and started late on the project. Also as I was bust with extra projects I missed out on the opportunity to use the available academic support that I had pledged to myself to use after the previous year.

I received my lowest ever grade for Contextual Studies this year, and it was my lowest grade of the whole course spanning 2 years and the access course I completed before that.

The main reason I am at University at a late age is because I struggled through school and that was always to do with essay writing and writing up past science experiments. In fact I struggle academically with everything: Spelling, Maths, Writing, EVERYTHING!

Just like last year I pledge myself to become better at essay writing and use the support that is available. With the added extra that I will not take on any extra roles that will interfere with the course. I do not regret taking part in the Erasmus Project, and I am very appreciative and grateful for the opportunity, but it did come with consequences and a direct impact on my studies.

User Personas and Stories
Just like the essay writing this is something that I struggle with. Its writing of any kind to be honest. I’m not academic, and studying does not come naturally to me. I really have to push myself.

I will aim to improve on writing user personas and stories as they are a weak point in my work.

Working on multiple Projects at the same time
I have tried and tried to work on multiple projects at the same time but it never seams to work. I will become overwhelmed with work and end up doing nothing at all. I also strongly believe in a minimalist lifestyle and this does not naturally fit into this. I usually practice inbox zero which is a method of using your inbox as a to do list, and task management system. It also is a way of giving 100% to a dedicated project or cause.

However I am often told that industry does not work like that and I will have to accept that having multiple projects running is standard. So since I do not want to fail when if and when I move into industry I will have to take this head on.

As I mentioned when talking about planning and time management I will begin to use analogue systems to keep me organised an on track. As I begin to use the Can-ban board later in this year I realised that working on multiple projects is achievable and can even break up long stints of work that can become discouraging to work on. So utilising these systems I will aim to get better at this.

Check the reading list
Something I have been overlooking is the reading list that comes with the module guide. I always forget about it and never look up the books. Yet I have established that I like to always accompany a project with a technical book and some kind of self help book.

I will make a conscious effort when interpreting the learning outcomes to check the reading list. I would also suggest to the writers of the module guides to include pictures of the book covers. This may encourage students to buy the books listed. We are a visual communication course after all.

Organisation (analogue)
As stated previously I need to work on my organisation. I will implement an analogue system to help me stay organised.

Knowing myself
I have began to notice I am starting to know myself a little better and how I operate when studying. I am becoming better at analysing my own behaviours and improving on them. I have also realised that I have to plan days off in order to not end up have a creative block and then further beating myself up about it. I still get depressed, I still struggle, but I’m getting better. Next year I would like to be able to manage myself better, and get more out.

What do I plan to do next year?

Generate Passive Income
I have a few plans to create a passive income while I’m studying ready for the year after when I move into industry. I need to bring in extra streams of revenue incase I cannot find a job in industry right away or to have me hit the ground running for the future. I would like this to be setup and rolling before the end of level 6.

I have a few plans such as:
Stock Photography
Drone Footage (Motion and Still)
Digital Products
Vector Graphics
YouTube monetisation

Increase my skillset
I would of course like to increase my skillset to make me more employable and have more value and worth as a designer. This would be enabling myself to work in many roles. Also I would like to be able to offer services to clients when working freelance.

One of my goals is to become better at illustration as it I was let down by that on a few projects this year. I’d like to learn some basics and advance onto illustrating in Procreate for the iPad.

Work on more Live briefs
I would like to work on more live briefs to gain experience and increase likelihood of employment in an agency. Potential employers like to see real briefs in your portfolio over projects of your own design. This shows ahead of time that you have the communication skills and autonomy to work independently.

More-so I want to gain the communication experience with clients, and to build a network and relationships.

Set up a Client Brief protocol
Like a good script I would like to build a protocol or foundation to work on with client briefs. Next year I will start to build my own guide for working with clients in order to keep organised and make decisions fast. Like with organisation I will schedule review points, and reflection.

Find out what my Skills and Qualifications are worth in Industry, and what roles I am suited for
As next year is going to bring me closer to industry I will have to look ahead at the next steps. As of now I still don’t know what roles are out there, which are suited for me and how much I can potentially earn with each of them.

I will do extensive research on what agencies are around and what roles are within them.

Work from different locations
Next year I would like to experiment with working from different locations in order to trigger flow state and stay inspired. This year I spent a brief time studying with a friend who liked to work from coffee stops and different locations throughout the day. I quite enjoyed the buzz of a new place and even though I am aware of my surroundings and sensitive to what’s going on I began to not be as distracted and started to focus more on work. I will need to improve on this still as this year I would not have a set of tasks prepared for the specific location eg writing where I would not be reliant on fast Internet connection or need a large screen. or my old laptop would let me down. Thankfully now I have a new MacBook for this purpose.

Work Based Learning: Erasmus & CS21 – Experience Review

Overview Phase one

I was very lucky to be chosen for this extracurricular project and spend a week in Ghent, Belgium to work on a large scale collaboration. The cause is to do with sustainability which I hold close to my heart and believe strongly that this world and the people in it need to do something about it, not even now but many years ago.

For the first phase of the project a selection of students from Newcastle College visited Ghent for one week to take part in many workshops, lessons, and to work on a big project on sustainability.

We had 5 students and 3 tutors from the UK attend. Each with different disciplines.

1x Graphic Communication

1x Interior & Spatial Design

1x Film Maker

2x Photographers

We were divided into teams with the other nationalities. 6 students and 2 tutors. Other nationalities were:


In our teams we had to come up with a solution to our problem. It was a tough challenge with the language barriers and on going workshops in between. So there was actually not much time to work on the project.

I came up with a few concepts that I personally thought were strong, and one very strong concept that I felt hit all of the questions in the brief.

Unfortunately our team rejected my concept and we went with a concept thought up from our Belgium team mate. The topic was food waste. It was hard because I kept finding concepts that already existed

Working on this concept was quite stressful as I did not agree with it. Also in-between working we were often interrupted by our tutors. In our case the tutors had no background in graphic design and I felt it slowed us down. They were trying to do a job out of there practice and I understand that it would have been difficult for them also.

I ended up writing the pitch for the food waste concept also.

On the final day we had to come up with a pitch presentation which I also wrote most of the script for. It was to have supporting images but I think that was misinterpreted by the rest of my team and they used memes instead of info-graphics or analogies. I also presented for my group.

Overall I really enjoyed the experience. There were some interesting workshops, but they ended up just adding extra work to our project, but I do have some take homes.

I also found the human centred design part challenging as we had to go out onto the streets and interview people. This was hard because of the language barriers, and me not knowing the area. As well as this I have anxiety when it comes to going out on the street and out of my comfort zone. However I was the one who did it while others stayed in our workspace.


There was not much planning for this project as we had only a few days from delivery of the brief. After the pitch was made we did have the opportunity to work on the project before the next phase, but there was of course other commitments across continents. So this didn’t really happen.

Management and Work-flow

The work-flow of this project was erratic as we were often interrupted with presentations, but once we got into a good flow and direction in ended up working  well. We had to manage the project like it we were a design agency and issue tasks to specific people and there skills.

Industry Techniques

Human Centred design

Creative Thinking
Can-Ban Board
Presentation Skills


Over the project communication a bit vague on what was going on throughout the day. We were delivered many presentations from industry professionals and tutors but we did not realise we were supposed to use the techniques presented in our own project. Also this sort of disregarded all our years of study and muddied the concept. If this was stated before hand I would have implemented the techniques and focused on them. I do have a design process and it was difficult to defer from this. Also our teammates were in the same boat, each having particular skills to bring forward. However they could not.

There was a schedule for each day which kept us organised, but the presentations although valuable kind of slowed down the process.

In the end this was really an experiment for the teaching staff and how they coached students without having knowledge in the specific field. So I kept that in the back of my mind and enjoyed the experience as best as I could.

Presentation Methods

Power-point Presentations
Public Speaking
Interactive Group Activities


All of the students and tutors had to adapt very quickly to all the new techniques and methods presented to us. We also had to overcome language barriers and differences in cultural thinking. I think I adapted well, and was one of two leads in our group. Also I did could not charge my laptop in the hotel which prevented me from using my laptop.

Practical Solutions

Can-Ban Board
Internet research
Human Centred Design

Key Strengths

I think my key strengths in this project can from my understanding of the design process as well as the toolbox for advertising. I could remember key tools such as the 9 modes of persuasions and 6 hats of thinking to help me come up with answers to the brief.

I also even with anxious was a strong leading character and was able to organise group meetings and tasks.

Speaking loudly and clearly and confidently with what I had to say was also a good trait to have.



Challenge More

Even though this was a fantastic opportunity to bond with my peers and tutor, which I did. I do reflect on how I could have achieved so much more had I went back to the hotel and took rest instead of going out and partying. I would have liked to have been able to lead more in my group with this in mind.

Overview Phase Two

For the second phase of the project all the nationalities visited Newcastle for a week and we worked from the space bar. Unfortunately a few nationalities could not attend as it was the beginning of the Coronavirus outbreak and Italy was on lock-down. The Belgium students could not attend and neither could some Danish students.

This caused issues with groups becoming split up and loosing members. We ended up having groups merge, but I was OK with this. However it did mean ditching one of the two groups concepts. I was happy to drop ours and go with the other groups Boycotting of Black Friday concept.

As this concept already existed we decided to adapt the concept towards offsetting individual carbon emission by the price of a trendy item that would be advertised in Black Friday deals. We should be fighting for our planet instead of fighting each other for big sale items.


We could not plan for this. The changes occurred on the day. Which meant we had to adapt quickly to designing a new concept in less time.

Management and Work-flow

there was not much management going on with phase two, nut in the end I had to take lead and evolve the other groups project into something new. At first it was difficult but once we had established roles and tasks for each other it came together in the end.

Industry Techniques

Can-Ban Board
Internet research
Guerrilla Tactics
Borrowed Interest
Poster Design
Logo Design
Film Making
Creative Thinking
Can-Ban Board
Presentation SkillsLarge scale printing


This time around communication was more clear on activities during the day and evening. We also had a little more time to crack on with the project. This had been spurred from feedback from the last trip.

Presentation Methods

Power-point Presentations
Public Speaking
Interactive Group Activities
Printed Media


This time around we had better understanding of communication.

Practical Solutions

Can-Ban Board
Internet Research
Guerrilla Tactics
Borrowed Interest
Poster Design
Logo Design
Film Making

Key Strengths

Design process
Delegation of Tasks


Presentation Skills
Rehearsal Time

Work Based Learning: NNTA – Project Review


This project was presented very well from the North Northumberland Tourism Association in the form of a presentation on location. They also supported there presentation with a handout. The brief was vast and long. However it was broken down well into sections, and key words could be extracted. The brief was sectioned into:

Our Brand Brief
Key Requirements
Our Strap-line
Our Vision
Our Mission
Our Four Strategic Areas
Our Values

Personally I thought there was a lot of overkill with information and they were asking for too many outcomes from the brief. In-fact they were 7 outcomes listed, when really at the root they just needed a logo design, and style tile that included colour palette and typeface.

I began my design process by looking into typography as it was stated in the brief. I wanted to include some provenance to the region, and started with calligraphy to reflect the books I had seen in the Ford & Etal museum. This lead me down a traitorous route as I was unfortunately out of my depth when digitising my calligraphy. I spend some time learning italic style calligraphy from a Seb Lester Skill Share course, which I very much enjoyed, but I could not achieve the digital outcome I desired. Although I do not regret taking the risk and failing.

I also tried to add provenance by using the Gorse and Heather flowers in a crest, but I was sadly let down by my lack of illustration skills. I tried many times to draw the flowers, and I came very close. However the Gorse flower looks phallic and I could not defer from that.

In the end I went down the route of choosing to merge a castle with the 2 Letter Ns from North Northumberland. As the comity did not want to detour from the full name I thought I would use the letters in some way.

I settled for the first concept from this idea as I had ran out of time.

Also in between this I had came up with some colour palettes that I had extracted from photographs of both Gorse and Heather. I wanted these pallets to change with the seasons, giving the comity wanted tourism all year around. The concept would be that the website would evolve and change with the seasons, delivering content and activities to match.


As usual I like to try and stick to a solid 9-5 on the days I am not working. Also during this time I had moved house and was having lots of issues with the property not being ready as it should have been. For example I did not have ANY on the white goods that were supposed to be there.

I tend to just stick with Google calendar or a simple task list for the day and that usually works.

Also there was and still currently is a global pandemic going on which has been difficult for most people to adapt to. It has been mentally straining with regards to focus and anxiety.

Management and Work-flow

***As with the previous brief***

This was a bit erratic with circumstances, but I did my best to stick to my daily planning of just showing up at my desk. Once I have a direction I speed up rapidly. The hard part for me is coming up with a concept. Also each project I often have to learn a new skill. In this case it was developing use of the learning a calligraphic hand style and how to digitize it (which I failed at). As well as still trying to perfect the pen tool when tracing photographs of the Gorse flowers and/or illustration.

Industry Techniques


Sketching thumbnails

Tracing with the Pen Tool


Using Typography and Outlines

Creating Deliverables (Digital Mock-ups)

Creating Brand Guidelines (Printed Material)


At the beginning the communication was fantastic in terms of delivery of a brief from the client. However as I have progressed with other projects where I have worked one to one with a client I feel that there has been no follow up beyond that point. During the project I did not notice that this could be an issue. We were giving our brief then we go away and reconvene as usual, but this did not happen because of the covid19 situation, and it was accepted, but I feel communication still could have continued when looking back retrospectively. Or at leaste we could have set up zoom calls just as we did for uni work… BUT we are not operating as professionals at this point in time. We are students.

Presentation Methods

We were supposed to have a visit from Lord Joycie and other comity members right before the pandemic struck, and I was very much looking forward to this. As with the Siemens brief (it gave a clear direction to head towards. Unfortunately this did not happen as of government legislation, but as mentioned before we could have set up a zoom call or even simply forwarded work for review. In a professional environment I would expect that still to happen or at least be some communication, but not really in this case. The client brief was not organised by myself.


We have all had to adapt to a global pandemic which I can understand has effected many people in different ways. I can completely understand why work would grind to a halt. Lives are at stake. I have had to adapt quickly to working from home, and without Internet connection for the first few weeks of my new tenancy. I’m hoping that this project does continue beyond this year if the NNTA are happy with our direction of work. As personally I don’t think we will have an outcome ready for them to choose.

Practical Solutions

Hand-style Calligraphy
Reflection Tool
Pen Tool
Pencil Tool

Shape-builder Tool
Grids & Guides

Key Strengths

Although I failed at attempting to produce a custom calligraphic typeface for this project I do feel that a strength of mine it to try something new and take a risks. It could have come up with a great outcome, but sadly didn’t. However that could develop further down the line of my career and had I not tried in the first place may not at all.

Also I would say that I quickly recovered from a bad situation with my shape building skills in Adobe Illustrator.

I would like to have a wider skill-set under my belt for future projects.


On the contrary to taking risks I should work on what I am capable first and not get lost down a rabbit hole. I need to remember the design process and toolbox we have to carry it out and make decisions to keep us on track.

Work Based Learning: Siemans Gamesa – Reflective Statement

What technical skills have I learnt moving forward?

Just like on the Digital Skills Application project I hit a barrier when it came to illustration. Both pen & paper and digital. I tried a few different methods to draw an Albatross, but had difficulty doing so.

In the end i discovered that tracing a photograph with the pen tool was my best option, and it worked. I was so happy with a simple flay silhouette of the bird that I thought it was finished at that stage.

Luckily after putting it forward for some feedback and constructive critique I was guided towards adding more dynamics to the shape. I began with simple shading and then progressed to adding features such as the eye and beak of the bird. I am very happy with the progress I made using the pen tool.

I will make sure I always consider adding dynamic and stylisation to digital illustration moving forward. I will also make sure one I hit a point I’m happy with to leave it and come back with fresh eyes the next day. It is also important for me to ask for feedback before getting ahead of myself. As I wasted time making variations and then had to backtrack.

I also think I improved on my shape-building skills when I refined the wind-turbine. I used scale and proportion to create specific anchor points and diagonals when creating the aerofoil and it came out looking good.

What are my strong points in this project?

I believe my final logos have come out looking super slick and professional. They are big, bright and bold and would work well in the real life situation on a polo-shirt.

I started very late on this project as I was on the Erasmus trip for one week while it was going on. So I actually missed the beginning leading up to the pitch with the client. What I had came up with that day was very poor in my opinion. I think have managed to recover greatly from what was presented that day to the finished logo design.

Again I think that my shape-building skills have helped with this project, and also some past experience with Illustrator, and using the type on path tool.

What will I improve on the next project moving forward?

I will certainly need to improve on my skills using the pen tool. Even though I began with tracing a simple shape, it still took me a long time to do. At the time I kept starting again if one of my anchor points was wrong. I didn’t realise I could just delete that one point.

I will also improve on interpretation of the brief which is not included in this project. As I mentioned I was on Erasmus before hand and I was not delivered this brief like everyone else. I have had to catch up and as a result have missed this very important step out.

In-fact we were advised to go down the Descriptive, Evocative, and Abstract paths, but that was not what the client wanted at all. After the presentation she simply wanted an art-working job, and wanted an outcome exact to her brief. Which was the Band FC style badges.

What are my opportunities in this project?

Make sure I interpret the client brief. I have missed this out entirely in this project and it is a hugely important step. Moving forward this can not happen again.

I also wasted a lot of time on typography regarding the Norse God of Wind and Sea concept. I believe with was a strong concept but I should have looked more as a visual design first. As at the point of presentation I only had type and my idea was rejected. Had I had visuals I don’t think this would have been the case. In fact I think had I persuaded this concept instead of the descriptive Albatross and Wind Turbine it would have been better.

Work Based Learning: Siemens Gamesa – Project Review


This project was presented as a design brief by our client Nada at Siemens. As the approach from us a designers is often to design what the client needs, we took quite a broad response to the brief. As a whole everyone was advised to look more conceptually rather than directly answering her brief. Toying around with concepts I attempted a few directions.

First I looked at Gods of Wind and Sea. This came out from mind mapping. I looked into typography in the style of Norse Runes. This direction I feel was quite strong, but at the time of presentation I only had some type examples and nothing visual.

I also looked at an abstract approach of using technical drawings of the aerofoils themselves. I attempted to use the shapes of the blades. I tried to mix this with type, but did not succeed.

A last direction was to answer the brief directly with a badge similar to a Football Club. This was a good direction for the client. However at the point of presentation I was 1 week behind others due to extra projects and living circumstances.

After the client presentation I turned my focus to the initial ask… I also found some time to dig a little deeper into research of the company. I found they already have a very strong visual identity on there websites. I also looked at Brands FC, and other logos with Nautical, and Hipster styles. I took inspiration from a select few designs with birds and a circle shape (too fit all the text) in.

I created mood-boards of Albatross and began to sketch thumbnails. At this stage I was getting closer. I had chosen to use two scenes of the ocean and night sky. 1 with an Albatross and 1 with a Wind Turbine. I used the pen tool to trace a silhouette of the sea bird and I also used the shape-builder tool to create a turbine.

I asked Phil for some feedback in the form of a small critique, and conversation. We came up with some other great concepts, but the main take was to make my flat shapes more dynamic.

I followed up Phil’s feedback and developed and refined my designs.

I am extremely happy with my Final Outcomes! I would still like to peruse the other concepts that came up in the conversation. Wind Gods reappeared but with a better styling and visual approach.


I like to plan my time with check-lists. I give myself 4 days a week and 8 hours for each day. Times vary from 9am – 5pm and 1pm – 8pm… It depends on what I have to do outside of study. As I work 3 days a week, and still have to carry out day to day life. At the time of this project I was also technically homeless, and staying at my friends house. This made it very difficult to focus in another persons personal space. Of course I am still eternally grateful for that. My focus also suffers greatly without a good nights sleep and routine.

Management and Work-flow

This was a bit erratic with circumstances, but I did my best to stick to my daily planning of just showing up at my desk. Once I have a direction I speed up rapidly. The hard part for me is coming up with a concept. Also each project I often have to learn a new skill. In this case it was developing use of the pen tool, and using the rotate tool, which I had to go back on.

Industry Techniques

Sketching thumbnails

Tracing with the Pen Tool


Using Typography and Outlines

Creating Deliverables (Digital Mock-ups)

Creating Brand Guidelines (Printed Material)


I believe the brief was very clear in defining what defining what Nada was asking for. The error came from suggestions to give her different approaches to the brief. Saying that, the brief was labelled as “Design Brief” where I feel it was actually an Art-working brief. She asked for Football badges and that is all she wanted… The company already have brand guidelines well laid out across there platforms, but this was not stated clearly, and so we fell into a small pothole. Had this been mentioned maybe this might not have happened. There was room for other concepts. However they were rejected regardless.

Presentation Methods

There was an in person presentation from the client. However it was at a time when we were not there. So information had to be cascaded down and possible lost in translation. Also the opportunity to meet and greet as well as ask questions during this presentation were missed. The handout that was issued was very good, but the accompanying assets were not available. Key elements.


I had to quickly adapt to suggestion, but this was irreverent and costly on time. I also went back to the brief after the critique with the client.

Practical Solutions

I had previously learnt how to use to type on path tool on older projects before Newcastle College. However i did not know that you can double click on the toolbar to bring up extra options. i was struggling to align the text correctly when typing on the baseline and the ascender line on the text. I realised I should have been using the centre line. This meant I could flip text to read upright on the bottom half of the path (circle)… Double clicking on the tool bar works for many other tools.

As I was struggling to draw an Albatross by hand, I changed my tactic to a digital platform. I placed the image into Illustrator and used the Pen Tool to trace the bird. This turned out to be a lot quicker. I later sketched out some eye shapes and then traced them in the same way.

I also used the double click on the Rotate Tool to discover I could rotate from a specific point. This still did not work perfect as there was no snap or smart guides, but I figured out that I could snap to a circle shape. The solution was to select both shapes to do so.

When creating the aerofoil shape I also used smart guides to perfectly proportion the size of shapes, by halving and then using the guides from that shape. I then clicked on anchor points with the Direct Selection Tool, and nudged them into place with my keyboard.

Key Strengths

I have decent digital design skills within illustrator, but there is still a lot to learn.

Pen Tool
Typography Choice


My opportunities always are with time. Getting better at focusing and coming up with a tangible concept, fast.

Time Management
Quick Ideation

Work Based Learning: NNTA – Reflective Statement

What technical skills have I learnt moving forward?

During this project I spent a lot of time learning Italic Calligraphy. I studied an entire course by Seb Lester as an extra, to pick up new skills. Even though I did not have the correct tools I still managed so come up with a good outcome and I feel I could have gone much further if the current COVID-19 lock-down was not in effect. I would have had better access to tools and resources.

Although I have not entirely learnt how to digitally make my own calligraphic typeface I feel I have still greatly improved from nothing at all. I can produce some letter-forms in the style I want digitally using the shape builder tool in Adobe Illustrator. I will like to expand this into a fully digital process in the future with an iPad, and Apple Pencil.

I have picked up some illustration skills, but not nearly as much as I would like.

Also also learnt how to edit brushes and how to use the reflection tool in illustrator.

What are my strong points in this project?

I feel my technical skills in illustrator have saved me in this project. Only because I spent a lot of time failing and trying new skills and techniques. Even though I lost a lot of time to this I could still quickly recover by coming up with a fast fall-back solution (Castle Logo).

What will I improve on the next project moving forward?

I would like to say time. However even though I lost a lot of time it was still due to experimentation. So that probably isn’t the issue. So possibly next time I should realise that a technique or task I am trying is not working sooner, and possibly outsource that fast.

Also I would of course like to have hit the outcomes I set myself. As the final logo I have produced is not the design I wanted to originally aim for.

I failed at producing many other concepts and ideas, and I feel I was let down by my limited skill-set.

Gorse & Heather Flowers Illustrations

Doorway scene


Key Design


There for I have only one outcome, were I should have many concepts to present to the client at review stages and even at completion

What are my opportunities in this project?

Opportunities are always time management or balancing other projects. During this project I spent a week on Erasmus, and then we entered a global crisis! All this while moving home, managing relationships and then becoming poorly for 3 weeks with an ear infection.

I feel I could improve on decision making when something is not working. Or maybe try and asses ahead of time what will tasks are more realistic for the time I have.

I should defiantly up-skill on illustration and typography before moving into industry. Both hand rendered and digitally. I would like to experiment with Wacom Boards and iPads.